Rekeying Service

In lock rekeying you can a new set of keys without changing your locks in a more affordable way. Lock Rekeying will reject your old key from opening your locks because the cylinder was modified like a newer one. When securing your home with rekeying service, you may be able to spend less. This is because there is no need to install brand new locks or any hardware. Thus, the lock will be reset to work with a new and a different cut of keys. Other parts of the lock are not replaced such as the knobs, deadbolts and hardware.

Rekeying helps you save money while getting a great security for your home. Among the reasons why you need to rekey a lock are:

  • Lost keys.
  • Replacement of locks is costly.
  • To assure that no one possesses the same key.
  • Renters turnover of a leased property.

Our company offers lock rekeying services round the clock. We can work on with all types of door locks on any brand or make. We understand being on an emergency situation and we're dedicated to help you. Our technicians will be on their way to perform the best rekeying service. As soon as the service is done, any old key would not be working anymore. You can hire our experts to make sure that you've got the est security. We can do rekeying service round the clock.